There is one God and he created the world and everything in it in seven days. He then sent his only begotten son Jesus to this earth who lived a perfect life and then was hung on a cross for our sins.
Jesus came to this earth to establish his Kingdom, which is the Church. There are steps that a person has to follow in order to enter into his Kingdom or the Church and they are:
Hear the Gospel: Rom. 10: 14-17 Believe: John 8:24 & Heb. 11:1,6 Repent: Luke 13:3 & Acts 17:30 Confess: Matt. 10:32-33 & Rom. 10:9-10 Be Baptized: Acts 2:38 & Gal. 3:26-27 Then after following those steps one has to live faithful unto death to get the crown of life. Rom. 2:10 |